Tin Management

This heavy metal can accumulate to toxic levels, but promotes plant growth in low concentrations.

Tin in the Soil

The average concentration of tin (Sn) in soils has been reported to be approximately 1-10 mg/kg but this can vary greatly depending on the parent rock. Some soils have high tin content from anthropogenic sources as well. Tin is not absorbed easily in its metallic form or as an alloy and these forms are considered nontoxic. In acidic soils, metallic tin may leach ionic tin species. These ionic forms (tin salts) as well as organic tin compounds typically represent a small percentage of soil tin content.

Tin in the Plant

Tin is not recognized as an essential nutrient in plants. However, there is evidence that certain tin species can promote plant growth in low concentrations, although the mechanisms are still unknown. In a 2015 greenhouse study, the effect of stannous chloride on spinach plants was investigated. The authors found that these tin salts did not cause any visual toxicity symptoms and did not affect the uptake of other nutrients when applied below 20 mg/L. In fact, the authors found that low doses of tin salts significantly increased dry biomass production. At concentrations of ≤ 2 mg/L, the spinach plants did not have any significant increase in tin content. But at 20 mg/L, the concentration of tin in the plant tissues was elevated relative to the control, though mainly accumulated in the roots. Other greenhouse studies have corroborated the findings that tin salts are neutral or beneficial in concentrations of 10-20 mg/L. But concentrations above 10-20 mg/L may reduce shoot and root length and inhibit chlorophyll synthesis.

Ionic Tin Species

Ionic tin may occur in a +2 or +4 oxidation state. Sn2+ is more toxic than Sn4+, but is only stable at pH values below 4. Above pH 4, Sn2+ is quickly oxidized to Sn4+. These ionic tin species form anions in alkaline soils and neutral or positive cations in acidic soils. Tin ions are poorly adsorbed and generally have low toxicity to animals and microorganisms except in relatively large quantities ( > 10-20 mg/L). In acidic soils, especially those below pH 4, ionic tin toxicity can become a concern. Sn2+ ions leached from metallic tin in the soil can be taken up by plant roots, and ultimately accumulate in the edible parts of the plant and/or cause toxicity symptoms.

Organotin Species

Organic tin compounds (organotins) are more toxic than ionic tin, but rare. Certain soils have elevated levels of organotins, usually due to anthropogenic activity. Fortunately, organotins degrade quickly: in aerobic conditions the half-life can be as short as one week with the aid of microorganisms.

Organotin compounds are hydrophobic and adsorb to metal oxides and organic matter like humic acids and clay. It has been shown that 10 mg/L dissolved organic matter significantly reduces the bioavailability of organotin compounds. At lower pH values, cation exchange and adsorption increases significantly, reducing the amount of dissolved organotins. In soils with high levels of tin, adding organic matter to the soil will increase adsorption and reduce plant uptake. The organic matter will also promote the metabolic activity of microorganisms in the soil, which will quicken the degradation of the toxic tin compounds.

Further Reading

Babu, T. N., Varaprasad, D., Bindu, Y. H., Kumari, M. K., Dakshayani, L., Reddy, M. C., and Chandrasekhar, T. (2014). Impact of heavy metals (Cr, Pb and Sn) on in vitro seed germination and seedling growth of green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek). Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy.

Mueller, F. L., Cyster, L. F., Raitt, L. M., and Aalbers, J. (2014). The effects of tin (Sn) additions on the growth of spinach plants. International Journal of Experimental Botany.

Ruedel, H. (2003). Case study: Bioavailability of tin and tin compounds. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.