Lead Management

This element is a toxic heavy metal.

Lead in the Plant

Lead (Pb) is second on the list of environmentally toxic heavy metals and represses plant growth at concentrations exceeding 30 ppm. Bioaccumulation of Pb during plant growth affects total chlorophyll content, fresh weight, root, and shoot length. Pb tends to accumulate more readily in plant roots than aboveground parts of the plant. However, traces of Pb will translocate to other regions of the plant, including the fruits and shoots.

Root cells detoxify heavy metals by making complexes with amino acids, organic acids, or vacuoles. These complexes help to broker the translocation of heavy metals, facilitating the protection of leaf tissues and metabolically dynamic photosynthetic cells from the harmful effects of heavy metal toxicity. Plants will employ phytochelatin synthase (PCS), which binds and relocate heavy metal ions to vacuoles. Plant exposure to heavy metal stress provokes the plant’s antioxidative systems to minimize the damage transiently in all aerobic organisms from molecular oxygen.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are natural byproducts of oxidative metabolism which cause damage to aerobic organisms. Photosynthetic organelles like chloroplast, mitochondria, and peroxisomes are the centers of ROS production. The toxic reactions from plant exposure to heavy metals include rapid production of ROS within the plant as the heavy metals disrupt electron transport activities of chloroplasts and mitochondria. This disruption causes membrane ion leaking as the redox status of the cells is damaged. Many ROS take on the role of critical signaling molecules that potentiate the activity of defense proteins–highly unstable and reactive molecules having a concise life oxidizing specific proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids leading to cell structure alteration and mutagenesis.


Several studies have previously identified heavy metal-induced toxicity leading to chromosomal aberrations, a decrease in the rate of cellular division, and nucleic acid impairments in plants. The toxic effect of heavy metals on plant genotoxic response depends on concentration, the oxidation state of the heavy metal involved, and the exposure. Heavy metals affect the cells, tissues, and organs of the plant, allowing visual identification of sites succumbing to heavy metal toxicity. Often, plants will show toxic heavy metal interaction in the form of visible injury to the structural and substructural levels. Heavy metals have negative implications on plant signaling and lead to severe dysregulation of cellular interactions. Cellular processes such as regulation of gene expression, G-protein signaling, growth factor receptors, and receptor tyrosine become severely inhibited due to interferences from heavy metals. Once plants detect toxic concentrations of heavy metals with the system, the plant will activate responsive genes by transcription. This complex process of signal transduction under stress reduces the harmful effect on the plant.

Further Reading

Bender, J. & Weigel, H.-J. (2011). Changes in atmospheric chemistry and crop health. Sustainable Agriculture, 2, 487–497. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-0394-0_22

Chaoua, S., Boussaa, S., El Gharmali, A., & Boumezzough, A. (2019). Impact of irrigation with wastewater on accumulation of heavy metals in soil and crops in the region of Marrakech in Morocco. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 18(4), 429–436. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2018.02.003

Clemens, S., Palmgren, M. G., & Krämer, U. (2002). A long way ahead: Understanding and engineering plant metal accumulation. Trends in Plant Science, 7(7), 309–315. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1360-1385(02)02295-1

de Vries, W., Römkens, P. F., & Schütze, G. (2007). Critical soil concentrations of cadmium, lead, and mercury in view of health effects on humans and animals. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 91–130. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-69163-3_4

Hough, R. L., Breward, N., Young, S.D., Crout, N. M. J., Tye, A.M., Moir, A. M., Thornton, I. (2004). Assessing potential risk of heavy metal exposure from consumption of home-produced vegetables by urban populations. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112, 215-221

Jorhem, L., Engman, J., Lindestrom, L., Schroder, T. (2000). Applications in food quality and environmental contamination: Uptake of lead by vegetables grown in contaminated soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 31, 2403-2411. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00103620009370594

Lefèvre, I., Marchal, G., Corréal, E., Zanuzzi, A., & Lutts, S. (2009). Variation in response to heavy metals during vegetative growth in Dorycnium pentaphyllum Scop. Plant Growth Regulation, 59(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10725-009-9382-z

McBride, M. B., Shayler, H. A., Spliethoff, H. M., Mitchell, R. G., Marquez-Bravo, L. G., Ferenz, G. S., Russell-Anelli, J. M., Casey, L., & Bachman, S. (2014). Concentrations of lead, cadmium and barium in urban garden-grown vegetables: The impact of soil variables. Environmental Pollution, 194, 254–261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2014.07.036

Mosbaek, H., Tjell, J.C., Hovmand, M.F. (1989). Atmospheric lead input to agricultural crops in Denmark. Chemosphere, 19, 1787-1799.

Murray, H., Pinchin, T.A., Macfie, S.M. (2011). Compost application affects metal uptake in plants grown in urban garden soils and potential human health risk. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11, 815-829. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11368-011-0359-y

Rötting, T. S., Mercado, M., García, M. E., & Quintanilla, J. (2013). Environmental distribution and health impacts of as and Pb in crops and soils near Vinto smelter, Oruro, Bolivia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11(4), 935–948. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-013-0313-1

Sauve, S., Hendershot, W., Allen, H.E. (2000). Solid-solution partitioning of metals in contaminated soils: Dependence on pH, total metal burden, and organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology, 34, 1125-1131. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es9907764

Sauve, S., McBride, M., Hendershot, W. (1998). Soil solution speciation of Lead(II): Effects of organic matter and pH. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 62, 618-621. http:// dx.doi.org/10.2136/sssaj1998.03615995006200030010x.

Usman, K., Abu-Dieyeh, M. H., Zouari, N., & Al-Ghouti, M. A. (2020). Lead (Pb) bioaccumulation and antioxidative responses in Tetraena qataranse. Scientific Reports, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-73621-z