Follow these steps for flawless sample submission:
Post tile here
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How Do Sample Labels Work?
Apical provides customized label templates that you print onto the labels, peel, fill out and attach to your samples.
- First, download the label templates for your sample type, using the ‘View Document’ links below.
- Insert Avery Label stock into your printer’s paper feed (removing standard paper first).
- For simple labels, Use the 5164 stock for laser printers. Use the 8164 stock for inkjet printers.
4. For deluxe labels (for when you want to share reports or request recommendations), use the 5168 stock for laser printers. Use the 8168 stock for inkjet printers.
5. Print the appropriate Apical template onto your Avery Label stock.
6. Fill in all the fields with a blue or black pen.
7. Peel the labels and attach them to your samples.
8. Be certain to include enough leaves or soil. If there is not enough to measure, some measurements will fail.
9. If you do not have old leaves for Old Leaf samples, cut the leaves closest to the plant root. While not as effective as true old leaves, it will help to show nutrient movement through the plant and provides data for the report’s charts.
10. Send your samples via UPS or FedEx to the address on the label (we recommend overnight or two-day delivery).
Timing: Make sure to time your shipment to arrive early in the week. If your samples are set to arrive on a weekend, they will not be delivered until Monday and will miss Monday’s laboratory sample run.
NOTE: We cannot accept Cannabis samples from any state but Oregon. These Cannabis samples must be hand-delivered to our laboratory. Cannabis may not be shipped via carriers like USPS, UPS, and FedEx. You may send soil or water samples for Hemp/Cannabis crops from any state.