Iron Management

This element is required for enzymatic processes.

Iron in the Soil

Iron (Fe) is a common element in the soil, but it is primarily found in forms unavailable to the plant. In aerobic conditions, Fe2+ is oxidized to the less-available Fe3+ and forms oxides and hydroxides, which are insoluble. Ferric oxide (or hematite) is an insoluble form of iron that gives many soils their deep red color. In waterlogged soils or other reducing conditions, Fe3+ is reduced to the more bioavailable Fe2+ and solubility increases.

Naturally-occurring soluble iron is typically not enough to meet the needs of the plant. In soil solution at pH 6, Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions are released in extremely low concentrations. As the pH rises to 7, availability further decreases 1000-fold due to greater oxidation. Iron ions become more available at pH < 6, but many other ions increase in availability as well. Thus, below pH 6 iron uptake may actually decrease due to competition with manganese and other metals.

In soils with high organic matter content and/or high cation exchange capacity, Fe2+ may adsorb to negatively-charged sites and be stabilized, increasing its bioavailability. Plants and certain microbes also release compounds known as chelating agents which form soluble complexes with iron, improving plant uptake.

Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency is a common nutritional disorder in many crop plants, resulting in poor yields and reduced nutritional quality. High calcium and carbonate concentrations can lead to Fe deficiencies due to the competition of Ca with Fe uptake. The most common symptom of iron deficiency is interveinal chlorosis of young leaves, due to inhibited chlorophyll production. True iron deficiencies are rare, but the iron in the soil may be unavailable due to low organic matter/CEC, acidic or alkaline soil, or an excess of competing cations. Antagonistic interactions of an excess of cations such as phosphorus and calcium can hamper iron acquisition by plants and can cause Fe deficiency-induced chlorosis.

Iron Toxicity

Iron can become toxic to plants in high concentrations, or when cellular iron is exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS). Bronzing, acidity, and/or blackening of the roots are symptoms of exposure to above-optimal iron levels. When plants are experiencing oxidative stress, hydrogen peroxide inside the plant can react with iron cations, forming powerful oxidizing agents which can degrade structural components and kill the cell. Therefore, iron should not be applied when plants are under oxidative stress.

Photo of Gardenia exhibiting interveinal chlorosis caused by iron deficiency. Image from Flickr.

Iron in the Plant

Iron is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and is considered the third-most limiting nutrient, due to its poor availability in many soils. Although iron is only required by plants in small quantities, iron deficiencies have severe effects on plant health, due to the involvement of iron in a wide range of enzymatic activities. Iron has strong redox properties and plays a major role in processes such as photosynthesis, chlorophyll synthesis, cellular respiration, nitrogen fixation, nutrient uptake mechanisms, and DNA synthesis.

Photo of rice exhibiting bronzing due to iron toxicity. Image from Flickr.


Further Reading

Batty, L. C. (2003). Effects of external iron concentration upon seedling growth and uptake of Fe and phosphate by the common reed, Phragmites Australis (cav.) trin ex. Steudel. Annals of Botany, 92(6), 801–806.

Hochmuth, G. (n.d.). SL353/SS555: Iron (Fe) nutrition of plants. AskIFAS Powered by EDIS. Retrieved January 14, 2022, from

Laan, P., Smolders, A., & Blom, C. W. (1991). The relative importance of anaerobiosis and high iron levels in the flood tolerance of Rumex species. Plant and Soil, 136(2), 153–161.

Majeed, A., Minhas, W. A., Mehboob, N., Farooq, S., Hussain, M., Alam, S., & Rizwan, M. S. (2020). Iron application improves yield, economic returns and grain-fe concentration of mungbean. PLoS ONE, 15(3).

Morrissey, J., & Guerinot, M. L. (2010). Cheminform abstract: Iron Uptake and transport in plants: The good, the bad, and the IONOME. ChemInform, 41(5).

Rout, G. R., & Sahoo, S. (2015). Role of iron in plant growth and metabolism. Reviews in Agricultural Science, 3, 1–24.

Schmidt, W. (1993). Iron stress-induced redox reactions in bean roots. Physiologia Plantarum, 89(3), 448–452.

Shi, R., Melzer, M., Zheng, S., Benke, A., Stich, B., & von Wirén, N. (2018). Iron retention in root hemicelluloses causes genotypic variability in the tolerance to iron deficiency-induced chlorosis in maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9.

Zuo, Y., & Zhang, F. (2010). Soil and crop management strategies to prevent iron deficiency in crops. Plant and Soil, 339(1-2), 83–95.