Copper Management

This essential micronutrient regulates enzymes and affects multiple aspects of plant biochemistry.

Copper in the Soil

Soil pH is regarded as the key indicator of metal mobility and bioavailability in soil. The soil will release more Cu as the soil pH decreases, whereas alkaline soils adsorb high levels of Cu. Cu sorption is weak at pH values below 5, and increases as pH rises. Adding organic matter, phosphorus, and zinc to the soil will help when Cu concentrations reach toxic levels.

Copper Deficiency

Plants grown in soils with low organic matter and high pH values are more likely to suffer from Cu deficiency. Symptoms of Cu deficiency vary from crop to crop. The most common sign of Cu deficiency appears in the leaves which will stunt, wilt, and eventually die. The best way to predict Cu deficiency or toxicity in soils is regular testing and monitoring. Soil analysis and plant tissue analysis is the best way to verify the need for soil amendments. Apical provides the testing necessary to identify Cu discrepancies at an affordable cost with fast data turn-around times provided to the grower.

Copper in the Plant

Copper (Cu) is an essential heavy metal micronutrient that regulates many enzymes and affects multiple aspects of plant biochemistry and physiology. Cu is a structural component of many proteins and is required for the synthesis of lignin, which strengthens stems and cell walls. Cu is needed for proteins used in photosynthesis, cellular metabolism, hormone signaling, and other functions. Regulation and maintenance of ideal levels of copper in the soil is paramount to supporting healthy plants.

In healthy concentrations, Cu promotes the generation of small amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which play an important role as signaling molecules for growth, development, and stress resistance. However, excess concentrations of Cu cause an overaccumulation of ROS which leads to oxidative stress. Plants under toxic levels of Cu display severe metabolic disruptions leading to inhibition of growth, pigment synthesis, and membrane integrity.

Further Reading

Robinson, J. (1993). In W. F. Bennett (Ed.), Nutrient Deficiencies & Toxicities in Crop Plants. APS Press.

Marques, D. M. and Junior, V. V. (2018). Copper toxicity on photosynthetic responses and root morphology of Hymenaea courbaril L. (Caesalpinioideae). Water, Air, & Soil Pollution.

Mottaleb, S. A., Hassan, A. Z. A., El-Bahbohy, R., and Mahmoud, A. W. M. (2021). Are copper nanoparticles toxic to all plants? A case study on onion (Allium cepa L.). Agronomy.

Perez-Labrada, F., Lopez-Vargas, E. R., Ortega-Ortiz, H., Cademas-Pliego, G., Benavides-Mendoza, A., and Juarez-Maldonado, A. (2019). Responses of tomato plants under saline stress to foliar application of copper nanoparticles. Plants.

Shabbir, Z., Sardar, A., Shabbir, A., Abbas, G., Shamshad, S., Khalid, S., Natasha, Murtaza, G., Dumat, C., and Shahid, M. (2020). Copper uptake, essentiality, toxicity, detoxification and risk assessment in soil-plant environment. Chemosphere.

Soja, G., Wimmer, B., Rosner, F., Faber, F., Dersch, G., von Chamier, J., Padeller, G., Ameur, D., Keiblinger, K., and Zehetner, F. (2017). Compost and biochar interactions with copper immobilisation in copper-enriched vineyard soils. Applied Geochemistry.