Aphid Management

A tiny pest with a big impact.

Aphid Biology

Aphids are one of the most destructive sucking insects, and several species are considered pests in agriculture. Winged females can disperse to new areas and lay eggs, quickly spreading infestations. The damage caused can significantly reduce crop yields, and they can also transmit plant viruses from field to field. Flying insects, spiders, and beetles are all effective predators of aphids. Syrphidae, the so-called flower flies, are some of the best natural predators of aphids, but these and other flying predators expend significant amounts of energy hunting. When conditions are cool, cloudy, and moist, these predators tend to be less active, and aphid populations can explode–this is why supporting a functionally diverse group of predators is essential. Krauss (2011) compared the abundance of aphids and their predators in conventional and organic farms in Germany. They found that traditional fields treated with insecticides experienced lower aphid numbers in the short term. However, they had more aphids and fewer predators than untreated conventional fields in the long term. In contrast, organic fields had over 100x the abundance of pollinators, 3x the abundance of predators, and 5x lower abundance of cereal aphids compared to conventional management, indicating that organic management can lead to top-down suppression of aphids through predation.

Effects of Companion Planting

Companion planting has been shown to be effective at deterring aphids. Certain companion plants emit volatile organic compounds, covering up the scent of attractive host crops or repelling the aphids. Many companion plants act as a valuable extra source of pollen and nectar, which attracts and supports a more significant number of natural predators and parasitoids of aphids. Similarly, planting strips of wildflowers is effective at increasing natural enemy populations. Sowing strips of wildflowers at the margins of crop fields has increased the abundance of a functionally diverse group of natural enemies and parasitoids. Zhang et al. (2010) found that “archipelagos” of scattered small patches of natural habitat among crop fields had the most significant positive effect on predator abundance. When using strips rather than archipelagos, they found that under an organic cropping system, the optimal amount of area to convert to “non-crop habitat” was just 5%, which increased net returns by 27%; however, in a conventional system using insecticides, adding non-crop habitat led to decreased net returns. Agroforestry systems have proven that tree rows planted with an understory of flowering plants potentiates lower aphid damage and increased predator abundance. In a study of apple trees, trees with a flowering understory had a higher density of predators, higher visitation rates by pollinators, lower aphid numbers, and less aphid damage than trees with mown understories. Crops adjacent to the flowering understories supported more predator conducive environments too.

Prevention and Control

As with many pests, the best method of prevention is to focus on growing a healthy plant. Nutrient imbalances in plants can lower pest resistance or make the plants more attractive to pests. In soybean, potassium deficiency has been linked to higher soybean aphid populations. Excessively high foliar soluble nitrogen levels have been associated with higher abundances of many pests, including aphids, and higher reproductive and growth rates of those pests. Applying inorganic nitrogen fertilizers causes spikes within soluble nitrogen levels, leading to pest infestations. Organic amendments and soil with high organic matter and microbial activity have been shown to slowly release nitrogen and other nutrients, which prevents plants from taking up excess nitrogen and becoming vulnerable to infestation.

Altieri, M. A. and Nicholls, C. I. (2003). Soil fertility management and insect pests: Harmonizing soil and plant health in agroecosystems. Soil & Tillage Research.

Large commercial farms tend to treat aphid problems with synthetic insecticides. However, the use of these products has led to increased resistance to these chemicals, making them less effective. The non-target effects and environmental damage associated with pesticides are also a concern. Essential oils of plants such as thyme and mint have been shown to be effective insecticides against certain aphid species. However, many organic-labeled insecticides for aphids are ineffective when dealing with a serious infestation, meaning many organic growers are forced to use biological control. Aphids are prey to many different predators, and planting a diversity of flowering plants can provide the nectar, pollen, and microclimates necessary to support a population of predators to keep aphids in check. However, if insecticides are used, predator populations are often affected more than the target pest.

Aguilera et al. (2020) investigated the role of different fertilization regimes on the natural predation of aphids. When comparing an organic manure treatment with inorganic fertilizer, they found that the manure treatment helped increase predatory control of aphids by increasing the number of overwintering and emerging carabid beetles (generalist predators of aphids) in the soil.

Further Reading

Aguilera, G., Riggi, L., Miller, K., Roslin, T., and Bommarco, R. (2020). Organic fertilisation enhances generalist predators and suppresses aphid growth in the absence of specialist predators. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Altieri, M. A. and Nicholls, C. I. (2003). Soil fertility management and insect pests: Harmonizing soil and plant health in agroecosystems. Soil & Tillage Research.

Balzan, M. and Moonen, A. (2013). Field margin vegetation enhances biological control and crop damage suppression from multiple pests in organic tomato fields. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata.

Ben-Issa, R., Gomez, L., and Gautier, H. (2017). Companion plants for aphid pest management. Insects.

Bugg, R. L., Colfer, R. G., Chaney, W. E., Smith, H. A., and Cannon, J. (2017). Flower flies (Syrphidae) and other biological control agents for aphids in vegetable crops. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Hodgson, E. W., McCornack, B. P., Tilmon, K., and Knodel, J. J. (2012). Management recommendations for soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management.

Krauss, J., Gallenberger, I., and Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2011). Decreased functional diversity and biological pest control in conventional compared to organic crop fields. PLoS One.

Lefebvre, M., Franck, P., Olivares, J., Ricard, J., Mandrin, J., and Lavigne, C. (2017). Spider predation on rosy apple aphid in conventional, organic and insecticide-free orchards and its impact on aphid populations. Biological Control.

Staton, T., Walters, R., Smith, J., Breeze, T., and Girling, R. (2021). Management to promote flowering understoreys benefits natural enemy diversity, aphid suppression and income in an agroforestry system. Agronomy.

Zhang, W., van der Werf, W., and Swinton, S. M. (2010). Spatially optimal habitat management for enhancing natural control of an invasive agricultural pest: Soybean aphid. Resource and Energy Economics.