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Crop Nutrient Analysis

Apical helps producers provide key insights into post-harvest crop nutrition.

Crop Nutrient Analysis (CNA) is designed to evaluate the nutritional value of crops after harvest, offering vital insights into the quality of the food consumers eat. By measuring the nutrient density of harvested crops, this test provides a clear understanding of how farming practices influence the nutritional profile of what you consume.

For the past 10+ years there has been a subtle conversation within the Organic and Regenerative farming communities that Nutrient Density of crops was a critical future metric for growers to understand how their crops were being affected by the growing practices they use.  After vigorously analysing plants and soils for over 10 years, Apical is pleased to offer one of the only Nutrient Density tests for crops on the market today.  By analyzing the crop for key analytes such as sugars, proteins and organic acids as well as all known key nutrients and a wide range of potential toxins, Apical is offering both consumers, farmers, and other industry professionals the opportunity to start a conversation around what it means to grow crops for humans and how crucial this occupation is to all of us.  

Crop Nutrient Analysis empowers growers to link their in-season practices with post-harvest outcomes, optimizing techniques to produce healthier and more nutrient-rich food. For consumers, it ensures higher-quality produce that supports better health and well-being. By utilizing Apical’s Crop Nutrient Analysis, you’ll gain actionable data that creates  a stronger connection between the farm and the food on our plates. Review the Crop Nutrient Analysis Guide to learn more about how to send us submissions today.   Better yet, engage your community members in systematic analysis of the food you eat to see if it has tangible benefits or needs improvement.

Crop Nutrient Analysis Submission Guide

History of Crop Nutrient Analysis

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Crop Nutrient Analysis FAQ's

What is the benefit of using Crop Nutrient Analysis?

Receive insight into the nutrient density of your crops to understand how farming practices can influence the nutritional profile responsible for the flavor and quality of produce consumers eat. Gain a competitive advantage by providing nutrient dense produce to end consumers.