Multiple Plant Parts, Multiple Times Per Season
Every Apical Leaf Extract Analysis should include separate samples of both new and old leaves, as designated by our crop-specific sampling guides. By sampling various plant parts, information regarding how nutrients are circulating is revealed.
New vs. Old Leaves
Old leaves show deficiencies of mobile nutrients as lower ppm readings than in the new leaves. New leaves show deficiencies of immobile nutrients as lower ppm readings than in old leaves.
Stabilizing Variability
Heat and/or moisture stress directly affect plant nutrient transport. Lifecycle stages modify plant nutrient demand and intake. Diseases and insects are often more commonly found in crops that are under stress. Mineral stress points are manifested as imbalances in the plant’s fluids.
By monitoring your crop’s circulating fluids, you build proactive processes which lead to Abiotic stress priming a vibrant scientific technique gaining attention worldwide.
Apical’s system allows the grower to take an active role in preventive stress management.