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Apical for science researchers

As most students of plants know, not all plants of the same species grow at the same rate, and (fertilization) nutrient management can be a cause variability in the growth rate. The real question is: how can plant nutrient management increase or decrease plant growth?

Apical methods are being used in a growing number of field trials and research projects on crop quality, disease impacts, insect attraction, crop yields, and more.

Below are some simple experiments that anyone can do. These experiments provide results that can have a significant global impact.

Visual symptoms

Most researchers know that plant leaf deficiency of key nutrients leads to visual symptoms in the plant.

Many Apical customers report that excesses of key nutrients lead to visual symptoms in the plant.

Diseased and Non-Diseased

Many popular academic journals often discuss the correlation between one or more levels of a key nutrient and the manifestation of plant disease.

Apical customers that grow citrus, almond, blueberries, hops, hazelnuts, and more have been testing leaves for nutrient level correlation with susceptibility to a number of plant pathogens.

Insect and Insect Resistance

University researchers have known and studied correlations between insect resistance and plant fertilization rates.

Many of our growers have reported experiences when crop target ranges of key nutrients exceed certain levels, that insects proliferate more rapidly.


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